Round 1 - Technical
🔹Discussion around my past experience and projects
🔹Challenges faced during work and its diagnostics (spark plan, explain() etc)
🔹Loading strategies and types of format used along with its justification
🔹Medallion architecture and languages used
🔹DQ measures undertaken and transformations done during each stage
🔹REPARTITION vs COALESCE, OPTIMIZE, DELTA vs Parquet, Z ORDERING, JOIN strategies, Incremental load using Delta file formats etc
Round 2 - Technical
🔹25 MCQ’s around Delta properties, joins, spark properties, Z ORDERING, VACCUM etc.
Round 3 - HR
🔹Reason for switch
🔹What are you looking for in Puma
🔹Growth journey 5 years from now
Round 4 - Group case study (1 hr)
🔹Were split in team of 4 with 3 DEs and 1 DevOps
🔹Given a problem statement, design the entire pipeline architecture following best practices
🔹Present it in whiteboard while covering every edge case scenario depending on experience